
Bluestacks game compatability list
Bluestacks game compatability list

bluestacks game compatability list

You will now have to confirm whether you wish to clear the data for the Google Play Store. Here, click on the "Clear data" button, as shown below.Ħ. In the "App info" page, select "Storage".

bluestacks game compatability list

Scroll through your list of apps and select "Google Play store".Ĥ. Open the " System apps" folder from the home screen and click on "Settings".ģ. The steps below will show you how to do this.ġ. You can also resolve the "Device incompatible" error by clearing the data for the Google Play Store data in BlueStacks 5. However, if you're still facing issues, please follow the second method below. Once you've selected the device profile that is compatible with your desired app, you will be able to install it on BlueStacks 5. Your new selected device profile will now be applied to BlueStacks 5. Once you've done that, click on "Save changes". NOTE: Please try using all the different device profiles on BlueStacks 5, until you find one which is compatible with your desired application.Ĥ.

bluestacks game compatability list

Now, select a new device profile for BlueStacks 5 from the different options available. Here, open the "Device" tab and click on the drop-down menu under the "Device profile" section.ģ. Open the "Settings" menu by clicking on the gear icon on the Side toolbar.Ģ. In such a case, try switching between the device profiles for BlueStacks 5 using the steps given below:ġ. Some apps can only run on certain device profiles, which is why you may face the "Device incompatible" error. Switching the device profile selected on BlueStacks 5

bluestacks game compatability list

You can resolve this error by using the following two methods: How can I resolve the "Device incompatible" error? If you're unable to install an app from the Google Play Store due to a "Device incompatible" error, like the one shown below, then you can resolve this issue by following the solutions listed in this article.

Bluestacks game compatability list